Every Christian Church Has This Problem

Every Christian church on planet earth has some serious problem or several serious problems.

The nature of the problems I’m talking about are the kind that hurt people. There is no such thing as an emotionally and spiritually healthy church. It’s an ideal that cannot be reached.

Many people may go to a church in hopes of finding community and connection and spirituality. They will find it but along with it they will find many other things. They will find brokenness and bad habits and unhealthy behaviour. This discovery can happen slowly or quickly depending on how adept the group is at masking their behaviour.

It’s inevitable because the church is a fundamentally made up of humans. Humans have problems and when you get a group of them together you have several problems compound into more problems.

Jesus said that where there are two or more gathered he would be in their midst.  It is true but that does not negate the distinct possibility of emotional pain being caused by some humans on other humans.

The moment you have humans is the moment you have problems.